Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Earn By Blogging

When you first sign up for a blog on a site like Blogger, there is a wide
variety of options made available that allow you to reach out to your
readers. From customizable templates to imbedded videos, audio and
advertising, the new blogger seemingly has the world at his or her
fingertips. That warm and fuzzy feeling eventually starts to wear off though
as new ideas pop up that may not be immediately covered by Blogger’’s
built-in features.

Luckily, Blogger and essentially any other blogging platform allows its
writers to add any number of open source add-ons to their blogs for enhanced
features and interaction with readers.


The single greatest thing you can do for your blog is turn it into a
profitable outlet for your daily writing. Google’’s very own AdSense add-on
is one of the easiest and most effective ways to do this. The best part is
that it is incredibly easy to add AdSense to your blog through the interface
provided by Google in Blogger.

All you need to do is sign up for an AdSense account using the same login ID
you currently use for Blogger. Go to the template page of Blogger where you
will find a visual layout of your site. Click on any of the “Add a Page
Element” links on the page and you will be asked how big you would like your
ads to be, how many to place, and what background colors they will have. It
is quick and easy and integrates directly into your account.


The templates page is a great place to find and make a great deal of changes
to your blog, the best and most visible impressive add-on being a new
template. The code for your template can be located here, within the Template
tag of your blog settings. To change your template, all you need to do is
find a new one that you like and copy the code.

While Blogger comes with a couple dozens templates already installed, there
are thousands more options available almost anywhere you look on the
Internet. So, despite what Blogger may want your site to look like, you can
make almost any changes you want, assuming you can find someone who has
built template to match your desired look.

Subscribe to Comments - by email:

This simple add-on can be found within Blogger’’s own Buzz page, the company
blog that announces new changes and updates to their website and services. To
find it, look for it just below your list of blogs on your dashboard.
This new add-on makes it easy for you to stay in the conversation loop after
you comment on a post. Blogger now gives you the opportunity to receive an
email every time someone comments on the same post. This way, if you ask a
question of the post author, you will get instant notification of their
response without having to check back on their blog. To use this feature you
will need to have a Google account which will insure that someone else can”t
provide your email causing your to receive email that you didn”t request.

Amazon Widgets:

Another great way to make a few dollars from your writing, Amazon widgets
allow you install links to products on Amazon that your readers may be
interested in buying. Sign up for a free Associates account with Amazon and
you can then install these widgets with your own Associate ID number and get
commission for any sales made through your site. It is a great way to make
relevant ads on your site linked to posts you have written.

Bookmarking Buttons (Digg, Delicious, Facebook, etc):

These are almost required in today’’s age of social bookmarking and
networking. By default, the only way a reader can interact with you on your
blog is through the commenting feature. However, you can install simple
button links on your site to services like Digg and Delicious where they can
bookmark your posts and share them with millions of other social bookmarkers.
To add these buttons to your page, visit the websites for Digg or Delicious
and search for buttons and links after signing up for a new account. They
install easily within the code of your template (which these sites will guide
you through doing).

There are countless additions you can make to your Blogger blog through
widgets and third party applications. When someone has an idea, someone else
has probably already created an application to serve that idea. The best way
to find new widgets is to search Google for “Blogger Widgets” or “Blogger
addons” and search through the listings provided. You can do wonders with

your blog with the right resources.

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008